Program Overview.

The aviation management program is a complement to the Aviation – Professional Flight program, offering individuals options for non-pilot roles within the aviation industry. You will take part in a comprehensive program that offers an interdisciplinary experience in aviation studies, business, and management to prepare for careers in areas such as airline operations, airline support services, aircraft sales, aircraft marketing, or airport management.

About Aviation Management at Morningside:

  • The Sioux Gateway Airport will provide an ideal setting for gaining flight experience in four distinct Midwest weather seasons with a variety of conditions.
  • Help ensure passenger safety, run logistics, lead, and manage business practices related to the aviation industry.
  • Benefit from studying in Sioux City, Iowa’s fourth largest city, which is located in one of the largest ag-producing congressional districts in the country.
  • Learn in an environment dedicated to professionalism, safety, ethical leadership, and civic responsibility.
  • Begin your aviation career at any stage of life, whether you are just graduating from high school or are amidst a career or life change. 

This program has been submitted to the Higher Learning Commission for approval, and is currently under review.