Student Government

student government

Become an official student representative, work for student voices to be heard, and gain valuable leadership experience through our Student Government.

As a democratically-elected team, our senators are recognized as the official representatives of students on campus.  The Morningside University Student Senate establishes a platform for students and groups to voice their concerns while also providing various student services, including general interest committees, and student-life events.  Additionally, Student Government serves as the governing body of all student organizations on campus, organizing the registration of said groups and ruling on allocation requests. Our senators are committed to abiding by the By-laws and amendments set forth in our constitution and agree to respectfully represent the views and opinions of their constituents.

While the purpose of Student Government is to provide student services, the organization additionally puts on a number of student-life events on campus.  In recent years, monthly trivia, Earth Day painting, and Professor’s Night Out have been our most popular activities. Additionally, the Morningside Activities Council (or MAC), Student Government’s sister organization, provides students with various educational and entertaining programs at no charge.